Dec 24, 2011

On My Bookshelf : Doglands by Tim Willocks

Posted by Emily at Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sorry for making you guys wait sooo long- holidays, visiting family, social life, school, reading, etc. etc. got in the way but I promise i'll start updating this more, and will have the rest of the reviews from the list I posted done by the 5th of January(update on the 5th:Okay, the 9th. You happy?). (I know it's a week- I needed to give myself SOME time. I do have school, y'know, and a life)
Furgul is a puppy born in a slave camp for racing greyhounds, and he has a terrible secret--he is himself only part greyhound. When the cruel owner of the camp recognizes Furgul's impure origins he takes Furgul to be killed, but Furgal manages a spectacular escape. Now Furgul must confront the indifference, complexity, warmth, and ferocity of the greater world, a world in which there seem to be two choices: live the comfortable life of a pet and sacrifice freedom or live the life of a free dog, glorious but also dangerous, in which every man will turn his hand against you.

Publication Date: September 27th 2011
Author: Tim Willocks
My Rating: 5 stars out of five
Age Rating: 12 and Up, mainly for details about spaying and neutering in a few pages... pages 70 somethings, I think, if you want to check them out, it isn't too bad, but embarrassing questions might result from younger children.

My Review:
This book is amazing- no, spectacular, no, extraordinary, or whatever of those words means 'one of my favorite books'.
It's such a sad animal book(and I hate these, but for some reason I loved this) but happy..
As the summary said, Furgul is born in a slave camp for greyhound racing dogs called Dedbone's Hole by the dogs, Furgul has a secret though- he and his sister's are unlike the other's- they are only half greyhound.
This is found out, which thus sets Furgul's destiny to set out with his sisters(of, within five pages of the start of this adventure, only one remains, well, you don't know if she dies or not, told you it was sad!) to find his father and go to the mystical 'Doglands' his father mentioned a bit to his mother, where every dog can be free.
This book was one of my favorites in a while, I love the characters, even the scruffy ones whom look like piles of dead cats, the plot, everything!

Amazing book, a must read!


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