Feb 3, 2012

Favorites Friday #1

Posted by Emily at Friday, February 03, 2012
Firstly, I got accepted to be a giver for World Book Night,AND, I got the books Dying To Know You and Shine by Lauren Myracle from the stupendous Abrams(expect reviews as soon as i'm done reading them!)*sqquuueeeeel* sorry, I just thought it was exciting!
Second, I made this idea up(Favorites Friday), since I needed a meme for Friday, and no one seemed to have one, so I may continue it, may not.
Now here's the actual Favorites Friday post, where I tell you my favorite recent reads/books i'm reading(only one this week, but it's pretty good):
I'm on page 100 of Daughter of The Centaurs, and am REALLY enjoying that- it's really good so far!
Expect a review of it soon(although it's taken me 2-3 hours to read 100 pages, which is super slow, so maybe not THAT soon) and yeah, the cover to the right is not the finished cover- this is the cover of my ARC! Cool, right? Mhm.
Anyway, have a great day, oh, and if you're a blog who wants to post their own Favorites Friday, not that I think anyone will, shoot me an email at onemilysbookshelf@gmail.com!


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