Jul 22, 2013

Why I Haven't Been On The Blog Much (AKA thinly veiled self-promotion post)

Posted by Emily at Monday, July 22, 2013
I can sum the reason I haven't been on the blog much up in one word :
I've been working with a large team of betas to whip a novella I recently wrote into shape, I want to publish it sometime this November, which sounds like far away, but I want the final edits to be finished by Halloween, which isn't too far away, so I've been devoting all my spare time to that (if you want to add this novella to your Goodreads to-read shelf, here's a link ;) http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18218603-deathdate no cover yet, but that is upcoming :D).
Thank you!


  1. Hey, I've nominated you for the Liebster Award! To accept, check it out here:
    (Yes, this is real:))


I love all your comments, and it makes me so freakishly happy to get the alert that I have a new one, so thank you!

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