Feb 9, 2012

On My Bookshelf: Tessa Masterson WILL Go To Prom by Brendan Halpin and Emily Franklin

Posted by Emily at Thursday, February 09, 2012
I got this book: arc from the publisher in exchange for this review
I rate this book: 5/5 stars
Expected Publication Date: February 28, 2012
Summary: A fresh, funny story that gives "falling in love with your best friend" a complete makeover

As long as they've been able to walk and talk, it's always been Lucas and Tessa, Tessa and Lucas. Their friendship is the stuff of legend. As prom approaches and other events unfold, Lucas suddenly awakens to romantic feelings he is having for Tessa and asks her to the prom in a very public, grandstanding way-which completely backfires when she comes out to him as a lesbian. Humiliated and confused, Lucas feels betrayed by his best friend's secret.
When Tessa decides to publicly come out for prom, by attending in a tastefully tailored tuxedo with her female crush, the community and Lucas are outraged. But when Tessa is banned from attending prom unless she goes in a more conventional way, Lucas must decide if he should stand on the sidelines as the community bashes his former best friend. Will his own outrage and hurt feelings lead him to join the Tessa opposition? Or will he make the grandest gesture of support and friendship of all?
My Review:
This book even starts out big, and just gets… bigger! There’s never a dull moment, haha. It’s also a quick read, which is nice, and It’s written in alternating girl(tessa)/boy(luke) perspective.
It’s really hard to write this review without giving anything away, since like I said, it starts out with a bang and ends with a bang!
It’s just a great book, highly recommended, with plenty of funny parts, but also many serious parts.
The only thing I don’t like is how a few of the supporting character’s behaviors suddenly change- Jenny Himmelwrath loathes Tessa, and then changes her opinion over a turkey spread? Uh, okay.
It’s a really quirky, funny yet serious story, unlike any other, that you will love.
I highly recommend it- you should get yourself a copy on pre-order!


  1. nice review, ill have to preorder this. looks good!
    thanks for following my blog!

  2. I may have to check out this one.


I love all your comments, and it makes me so freakishly happy to get the alert that I have a new one, so thank you!

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