Mar 19, 2012

Review Copy Cleanup Challenge 1 : Show Off Your Pile!

Posted by Emily at Monday, March 19, 2012
Oh dear, I completely forgot about this. Oh well, i'll go ahead and try to catch up now, firstly, by doing the first challenge and telling what books I hope to read during this challenge(these aren't review copies, I have some review copies I want to read, will post those later):

The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan

A Kiss In Time by Alex Finn

The Princess Plot(I've read this before, and loved it, but my dad got me the sequel a few months ago so I want to reread it) and The Princess Trap by Kirsten Boie

Beautiful Creatures by Margaret Stohl

And I know I originally said I was going to read more, and I probably will, but these are all the ones I can think of right now. And Beautiful Creatures is HUGE, but my Mom keeps asking if i've finished it yet, even though I started reading it like one month ago and only read one line.

I have some catching up to do, so i'll end this post now!


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