Jun 4, 2013

'Best YA Couple Tournament' nominations are now OPEN!

Posted by Emily at Tuesday, June 04, 2013

I just thought of this idea early today, but I have already made a banner & everything so I decided to open the nominations now!
This tournament is to find out the BEST YA COUPLE!
Nominations close in 1 month, on the fourth of July!!!(Midnight EST on July 4th, 2013, so technically it will be July 5th), so please hurry - and you can fill out the spreadsheet up to three different times, as long as each time you fill it out for a DIFFERENT couple. 
The top couples with the most nominations will continue onward, so if you want someone to win, SPREAD THE WORD - after you nominate, go ahead and tweet your nomination with hashtag #BestYACoupleTournament, or #BestYACouple!
There might also be a giveaway that has to do with the book the winning couple is from..... 
Go here to nominate, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
(please keep in mind this was inspired by http://ya-sisterhood.blogspot.com's YA crush tourney)


  1. I'm so sad the toruneys are over, but so glad someone stepped up! This will be a hoot!

  2. This is a cute idea. I am really curious to see who will win!!!


I love all your comments, and it makes me so freakishly happy to get the alert that I have a new one, so thank you!

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