Jun 5, 2013

On My Bookshelf : Lambu Looks At The Bible by Marsha Marks

Posted by Emily at Wednesday, June 05, 2013
Rating : 5/5 Stars
Summary(in excerpt form):  Lambu and Herald were just being friends around trees, when Lambu said, "Herald, you ain't never seen God?"
"That's true," said Herald, "but, I've also never seen the wind."
"But, you see the results of the wind," said Lambu, watching the branches bend.
"And," said Herald, "I see the results of God."

My Review : I don't normally read anything lower than young adult, especially not books written for elementary school students, but I made a special exception for Lambu, and I'm glad I did!This book packs wisdom in its exceptionally unique well written laughs, even though I'm not very religious I loved it!
Lambu and all the other characters are very quirky, cute little kids, but so much of what they say is true - if you don't believe me, check out this excerpt below.

Lambu and Herald were looking out a big window.
Lambu said, “Herald, you know what I like about you?”
“What?” said Herald.
“We view life through the same window.”
“Yes,” said Herald, “but through different panes.”
“Yes,” said Lambu, “through different pains.”

Look at how awesome that is! Be sure to check out the Amazon page & get the Kindle excerpt, especially if you have little kids in your life(it's recommended for ages 7ish, my 9 year old sister adores it!) - even if you don't, I'm sure you'll enjoy it as a bedtime read that will make you laugh and ponder(I had to stop every few pages to highlight and bookmark a page).


  1. I've actually never heard of this book before.

  2. OK, now I officially love you! Not just because you are so cool, and not just because you have the coolest web page EVER!!! But, because you totally "GET" my new book, LAMBU LOOKS AT THE BIBLE! eeewwweeee I am SO EXCITED! I loved your review! Thanks, I'm going to post it on my Facebook page and tell the world about you!

  3. Hey Emily, this review is excellent—well-written, and right on the money. Glad I got to meet you at BEA. You are an exceptional young lady. Hope we can stay in touch.



  4. I love the quote, I´m totally giving this book to my little siblings :D

  5. I will have to check this out. My daughter is only 4, but there are plenty of nieces and nephews at that age. Thanks for the great review!


I love all your comments, and it makes me so freakishly happy to get the alert that I have a new one, so thank you!

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