Oct 29, 2013

Blog Tour : The Flame In The Mist by Kit Grindstaff

Posted by Emily at Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Book : The Flame In The Mist by Kit Grindstaff
Publication date : April 9, 2013
Pagecount : 464
Summary : Fiery-headed Jemma Agromond is not who she thinks she is, and when the secrets and lies behind her life at mist-shrouded Agromond Castle begin to unravel, she finds herself in a chilling race for her life. Ghosts and misfits, a stone and crystals, a mysterious book, an ancient prophecy—all these reveal the truth about Jemma's past and a destiny far greater and more dangerous than she could have imagined in her wildest fantasies. With her telepathic golden rats, Noodle and Pie, and her trusted friend, Digby, Jemma navigates increasingly dark forces, as helpers both seen and unseen, gather. But in the end, it is her own powers that she must bring to light, for only she has the key to defeating the evil ones and fulfilling the prophecy that will bring back the sun and restore peace in Anglavia. 
Stars : 5/5 stars!
My review : I normally don't read middle grade books, but since this book is upper middle grade and looked amazing, I decided to give it a try, and I'm so glad I did!
It's a great read for Halloween (which is only a couple of days away, so get this quick ;)) because of some spooky scenes, and an overall creepy feel.
I loved the characters, I think they all had very realistic, well-defined personalities, and it was a great read.
It's such a well-crafted story, very well thought out, and I loved all of the characters - even the villains. I was sad when it came to an end - Mrs. Grindstaff is wonderful at suspense, and keeping readers guessing on what is going to happen next.
Mrs. Grindstaff has a very unique writing style - and I mean very unique in a great way! She has very vivid descriptions, and very beautiful writing.
Overall, I loved this book, and definitely think you - and any middle grader whom likes reading - should give it a try!
Here's my little sister's take on this book(since she's 9, she's much more knowledgeable about middle grade books):
I would rate it 5 stars because I loved all of the characters, especially the rats, who have awesome names - Noodle and Pie.
I loved the main character, and I think the way Mrs. Grindstaff writes is incredible, I could picture everything she wrote about in the book, in my mind. I liked the way that the characters acted like they were really as young as they were supposed to be, since a lot of middle grade books have kids acting like they're adults.
I think it was a splendid book, and I will definitely be checking out any more books that she writes.
If our praise didn't manage to convince you to read this, check out the awesome trailer below - I'm sure it will!

Be sure to enter this awesome giveaway below! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Well hey, I'm going to post a comment! Because I like posting comments as much as I like receiving them! Thank you so much, both of you. That was a thrill to wake up to, seriously.

  2. I love that you had you sister read it as well and give her review. I've had my eye on this book for a while.

  3. Hi Robin, Just to let you know, the drawing has been done and winners notified. Sorry one wasn't you :(...but I hope that if/when you read the book anyway, you'll enjoy!

    And thank you again Emily and sis for this awesome review!


I love all your comments, and it makes me so freakishly happy to get the alert that I have a new one, so thank you!

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