Oct 15, 2013

International Giveaway : WildCards by Simone Elkeles

Posted by Emily at Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Hey guys!
I got a few ARCs of WildCards by Simone Elkeles at BEA in June, a blogger friend was upset because we were in line for a signing when the galleys dropped, so I ran all the way cross the exhibits and got a few copies, for the book bloggers who held my spot in line, and me, and got back in time for the signing. Now, I was in such a rush I grabbed an extra copy, and I was going to give it to someone at BEA, but then I remembered I never do giveaways, so I thought I'd do one with it!
I never know what to include here, I would put a cover image, but my laptop recently decided to rebel and not let me add images to things, so until we compromise this will remain coverless.
I'll just put the widget down below!
Oh, one last thing : this is open international! Even if you live in an igloo or in a cave in the forest, as long as you have some way of getting mail to you, I will get it to you, if you win. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Do a giveaway for 2013 new releases please.... my favorite book at the moment is JULIE KAGAWA's THE IRON TRAITOR

    Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex


I love all your comments, and it makes me so freakishly happy to get the alert that I have a new one, so thank you!

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